Using Auth0
Get an app running with Auth0. This step in the GraphQL tutorial walks you through using Auth0 in an example to-do app tutorial.
We’re overhauling Dgraph’s docs to make them clearer and more approachable. If you notice any issues during this transition or have suggestions, please let us know.
Let’s start by going to our Auth0 dashboard where we can see the app which we have already created and used in our frontend-app.
Now we want to use the JWT that Auth0 generates, but we also need to add custom claims to that token which will be used by our auth rules. So we can use something known as “Rules” (left sidebar on dashboard page under “Auth Pipeline”) to add custom claims to a token. Let’s create a new empty rule.
Replace the content with the following -
In the above function, we are only just adding the custom claim to the token
with a field as USER
which if you recall from the last step is used in our
auth rules, so it needs to match exactly with that name.
Now let’s go to Settings
of our Auth0 app and then go down to view the
Advanced Settings
to check the JWT signature algorithm (OAuth tab) and then
get the certificate (Certificates tab). We will be using RS256
in this example
so let’s make sure it’s set to that and then copy the certificate which we will
use to get the public key. Use the download certificate button there to get the
certificate in PEM
Now let’s run a command to get the public key from it, which we will add to our
schema. Just change the file_name
and run the command.
Copy the public key and now let’s add it to our schema. For doing that we will add something like this, to the bottom of our schema file -
Let me just quickly explain what each thing means in that, so firstly we start
the line with a # Dgraph.Authorization
. Next is the VerificationKey
, so
with your public key within the quotes and make
sure to have it in a single line and add \n
where ever needed. Then set
to the name of the header X-Auth-Token
(can be anything) which will
be used to send the value of the JWT. Next is the Namespace
(again can be anything, just needs to match with
the name specified in Auth0). Then next is the Algo
which is RS256
, the JWT
signature algorithm (another option is HS256
but remember to use the same
algorithm in Auth0). Then for the Audience
, add your app’s Auth0 client ID.
The updated schema will look something like this (update the public key with your key) -
Resubmit the updated schema -
Let’s get that token and see what all it contains, then update the frontend accordingly. For doing this, let’s start our app again.
Now open a browser window, navigate to
http://localhost:3000 and open the developer tools, go
to the network
tab and find a call called token
to get your JWT from its
response JSON (field id_token
Now go to and paste your token there.
The token also includes our custom claim like below.
Now, you can check if the auth rule that we added is working as expected or not.
Open the GraphQL tool (Insomnia, GraphQL Playground) add the URL along with the
header X-Auth0-Token
and its value as the JWT. Let’s try the query to see the
todos and only the todos the logged-in user created should be visible.
The above should give you only your todos and verifies that our auth rule worked!
Now let’s update our frontend app to include the X-Auth0-Token
header with
value as JWT from Auth0 when sending a request.
To do this, we need to update the Apollo client setup to include the header while sending the request, and we need to get the JWT from Auth0.
The value we want is in the field idToken
from Auth0. We get that by quickly
updating react-auth0-spa.js
to get idToken
and pass it as a prop to our
Check the updated file here
Now let’s use that token while creating an Apollo client instance and give it to
a header X-Auth0-Token
in our case. Let’s update our src/App.js
Check the updated file here.
Refer this step in GitHub.
Let’s now start the app.
Now you should have an app running with Auth0!
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