Dgraph is a horizontally-scalable and distributed graph database.
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Designed from day one to be distributed for scale and speed, Dgraph is the native Graph database with native GraphQL support. It is open source, scalable, distributed, highly available, and lightning fast.
Dgraph is different from other graph databases in a number of ways, including:
Distributed Scale: Built from day 1 to be distributed, to handle larger data sets.
GraphQL Support: GraphQL is built in to make data access simple and standards-compliant. Unlike most GraphQL solutions, no resolvers are needed - Dgraph resolves queries automatically through graph navigation.
Fully Transactional and ACID-compliant: Dgraph satisfies demanding transactional workloads that require frequent inserts and updates, with guarantees for atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID)
Language support & Text Search: Full-text searching is included and strings can be expressed in multiple languages.
Geolocation data and queries: Dgraph supports points and shapes data, and queries can use near, within, contains, or intersects functions.
True Free Open Source Software (FOSS): Dgraph is free to use, and available on github.
Dgraph and GraphQL
In Dgraph, GraphQL isn’t an afterthought or an add-on–it’s core to the product. GraphQL developers can get started in minutes, and need not concern themselves with the powerful graph database running in the background.
The difference with Dgraph is that no resolvers or custom queries are needed. Simply update a GraphQL schema, and all APIs are ready to go. The “resolvers” are transparently implemented by simply following graph relationships from node to node and node to field, and with native graph performance.
For complex queries that the GraphQL specification doesn’t support, Dgraph provides a query language called “DQL” which is inspired by GraphQL, but includes more features. With GraphQL simple use cases remain simple, and with DQL more complex cases become possible.
The graph model - nodes, relationships, and values
Dgraph is fundamentally a property-graph database because it stores nodes, relations among those nodes, and associated properties for any relation.
Dgraph JSON input example with a facet:
This JSON structure succinctly represents rich data:
- Nodes: A Person node and Address node are included
- Relation: The Person node is related to the Address node via an “Address” directed relationship
- Values: the person’s name is “Bob” and the Address street component is “123 Main St.”
- Facet metadata: the Address relation is qualified with a property specifying the Address relationship started on February 20, 2022. */}
Dgraph supports JSON data as both a return structure and an insert/update format. In Dgraph JSON nesting represents relations among nodes, so
efficiently and intuitively represents a Person node, an Address node, and a
relation (called homeAddress
) between them.
In addition, Dgraph supports RDF triples as an input and output format.
Dgraph relationships are directed links between nodes, allowing optimized traversal from node to node. Dgraph allows a bidirectional relation via directed relationships in both directions if desired.
App developers and data engineers work together seamlessly
Dgraph allows a particularly smooth interaction among data teams or experts and data consumers. GraphQL’s flexibility empowers data consumers to get exactly the data they want, in the format they want it, at the speed they need, without writing custom REST APIs or understanding a new graph query language.
Database experts can focus on the data, schema, and indexes, without maintaining a sprawling set of REST APIs, views, or optimized queries tailored to each data consumer or app.
Dgraph architecture
Dgraph scales to larger data sizes than other graph databases because it’s designed from the ground up to be distributed. Therefore Dgraph runs as a cluster of server nodes which communicate to form a single logical data store. There are two main types of processes (nodes) running: zeros and alphas.
Dgraph Zero server nodes hold metadata for the Dgraph cluster, coordinate distributed transactions, and re-balance data among server groups.
Dgraph Alpha server nodes store the graph data and indices. Unlike non-distributed graph databases, Dgraph alphas store and index “predicates” which represent the relations among data elements. This unique indexing approach allows Dgraph to perform a database query with depth N in only N network hops, making it faster and more scalable for distributed (sharded) data sets.
In addition, people use common tools to define schemas, load data, and query the database:
GraphQL IDEs: A number of GraphQL IDEs are available to update GraphQL schemas and run GraphQL updates and queries. One of these IDEs is GraphiQL
Ratel Ratel is a GUI app from Dgraph that runs DQL queries and mutations, and allows schema viewing and editing (as well as some cluster management operations).
Dgraph lambdas: A Dgraph lambda is a data function written in JavaScript that can augment results of a query. Lambdas implement database triggers and custom GraphQL resolvers, and run in an optional node.js server (included in any cloud deployment).
Scale, replication and sharding
Every cluster has at least one Dgraph Zero node and one Dgraph Alpha node. Then databases are expanded in two ways.
High Availability Replication: For high-availability, Dgraph runs with three zeros and three alphas instead of one of each. This configuration is recommended for the scale and reliability required by most production apps. Having three servers both triples the capacity of the overall cluster, and also provides redundancy.
Sharding: When data sizes approach or exceed 1 TB, Dgraph databases are typically sharded so that full data replicas aren’t kept on any single Alpha node. With sharding, data is distributed across many nodes (or node groups) to achieve higher scale. Sharding and high-availability combine when desired to provide massive scale and ideal reliability.
What’s next
- Get Started with a free database instance
- Get familiar with some terms in our Glossary
- Take the Dgraph tour
- Go through some tutorials
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