We’re overhauling Dgraph’s docs to make them clearer and more approachable. If you notice any issues during this transition or have suggestions, please let us know.

In this step, we’re creating a simple to do app (in React) and integrating it with Auth0.

Create React app

Let’s start by creating a React app using the create-react-app command.

npx create-react-app todo-react-app

To verify navigate to the folder, start the dev server, and visit http://localhost:3000.

cd todo-react-app
npm start

Install dependencies

Now, let’s install the various dependencies that we will need in the app.

npm install todomvc-app-css classnames graphql-tag history react-router-dom

Setup Apollo Client

Let’s start with installing the Apollo dependencies and then create a setup.

npm install @apollo/react-hooks apollo-cache-inmemory apollo-client apollo-link-http graphql apollo-link-context react-todomvc @auth0/auth0-react

Now, let’s update our src/App.js with the below content to include the Apollo client setup.

import React from "react"

import ApolloClient from "apollo-client"
import { InMemoryCache } from "apollo-cache-inmemory"
import { ApolloProvider } from "@apollo/react-hooks"
import { createHttpLink } from "apollo-link-http"

import "./App.css"

const createApolloClient = () => {
  const httpLink = createHttpLink({
    uri: "http://localhost:8080/graphql",
    options: {
      reconnect: true,

  return new ApolloClient({
    link: httpLink,
    cache: new InMemoryCache(),

const App = () => {
  const client = createApolloClient()
  return (
    <ApolloProvider client={client}>
          placeholder="What needs to be done?"

export default App

Here we have created a simple instance of the Apollo client and passed the URL of our GraphQL API. Then we have passed the client to ApolloProvider and wrapped our App so that its accessible throughout the app.

Queries and Mutations

Now, let’s add some queries and mutations.

First, let’s see how we can add a todo and get todos. Create a file src/GraphQLData.js and add the following.

import gql from "graphql-tag"

export const GET_TODOS = gql`
  query {
    queryTodo: queryTask {
      value: title

export const ADD_TODO = gql`
  mutation addTask($task: AddTaskInput!) {
    addTask(input: [$task]) {
      task {
        value: title

Now, let’s see how to use this to add a todo. Let’s import the dependencies first in src/App.js replacing all the code. Let’s now create the functions to add a todo and get todos.

import { useQuery, useMutation } from "@apollo/react-hooks"
import { Todos } from "react-todomvc"
import "react-todomvc/dist/todomvc.css"
import { useAuth0 } from "@auth0/auth0-react"
import { GET_TODOS, ADD_TODO } from "./GraphQLData"

function App() {
  const [add] = useMutation(ADD_TODO)

  const { user, isAuthenticated, loginWithRedirect, logout } = useAuth0()

  const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(GET_TODOS)
  if (loading) return <p>Loading</p>
  if (error) {
    return <p>`Error: ${error.message}`</p>

  const addNewTodo = (title) =>
      variables: {
        task: {
          title: title,
          completed: false,
          user: { username: user.email },
      refetchQueries: [
          query: GET_TODOS,

  return (

export default App

Auth0 Integration

Now, let’s integrate Auth0 in our app and use that to add the logged-in user. Let’s first create an app in Auth0.

  • Head over to Auth0 and create an account. Click ‘sign up’ here
  • Once the signup is done, click “Create Application” in “Integrate Auth0 into your app”.
  • Give your app a name and select “Single Page Web App” app type
  • Select React as the technology
  • No need to do the sample app, scroll down to “Configure Auth0” and select “Application Settings”.
  • Select your app and add the values of domain and clientid in the file src/auth_template.json. Check this link for more information.
  • Add http://localhost:3000 to “Allowed Callback URLs”, “Allowed Web Origins” and “Allowed Logout URLs”.

Now that we have prepared our src/App.js file let’s update our src/index.js file with the following code.

import React from "react"
import ReactDOM from "react-dom"
import App from "./App"
import {
} from "@apollo/client"
import { setContext } from "@apollo/client/link/context"
import { Auth0Provider, useAuth0 } from "@auth0/auth0-react"
import config from "./auth_template.json"

const GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost:8080/graphql"

const AuthorizedApolloProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const { isAuthenticated, getIdTokenClaims } = useAuth0()
  const httpLink = createHttpLink({

  const authLink = setContext(async (_, { headers }) => {
    if (!isAuthenticated) {
      return headers

    const token = await getIdTokenClaims()

    return {
      headers: {
        "X-Auth-Token": token ? token.__raw : "",

  const apolloClient = new ApolloClient({
    link: authLink.concat(httpLink),
    cache: new InMemoryCache(),

  return <ApolloProvider client={apolloClient}>{children}</ApolloProvider>

        <App />

Note that for the app to work from this point on, the src/auth_template.json file must be configured with your auth0 credentials.

Here is a reference Here

Let’s also add definitions for updating, deleting and clearing all tasks to src/GraphQLData.js. Let’s also add the constants user, isAuthenticated, loginWithRedirect and logout which they receive from the variable useAuth0. We also create a constant called logInOut that contains the logic to know if the user is logged in or not. This variable will show a button to login or logout depending on the status of logged in or logged out. Note that before calling the component Todos we call our variable {logInOut} so that our login button appears above the app.

import React from "react"
import { useQuery, useMutation } from "@apollo/client"
import { Todos } from "react-todomvc"

import "react-todomvc/dist/todomvc.css"
import { useAuth0 } from "@auth0/auth0-react"
import {
} from "./GraphQLData"

function App() {
  const [add] = useMutation(ADD_TODO)
  const [del] = useMutation(DELETE_TODO)
  const [upd] = useMutation(UPDATE_TODO)
  const [clear] = useMutation(CLEAR_COMPLETED_TODOS)

  const { user, isAuthenticated, loginWithRedirect, logout } = useAuth0()

  const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(GET_TODOS)
  if (loading) return <p>Loading</p>
  if (error) {
    return <p>`Error: ${error.message}`</p>

  const addNewTodo = (title) =>
      variables: {
        task: {
          title: title,
          completed: false,
          user: { username: user.email },
      refetchQueries: [
          query: GET_TODOS,

  const updateTodo = (modifiedTask) =>
      variables: {
        id: modifiedTask.id,
        task: {
          value: modifiedTask.title,
          completed: modifiedTask.completed,
      update(cache, { data }) {
        data.updateTask.task.map((t) =>
            id: cache.identify(t),
            fields: {
              title: () => t.title,
              completed: () => t.completed,

  const deleteTodo = (id) =>
      variables: { id },
      update(cache, { data }) {
        data.deleteTask.task.map((t) => cache.evict({ id: cache.identify(t) }))

  const clearCompletedTodos = () =>
      update(cache, { data }) {
        data.deleteTask.task.map((t) => cache.evict({ id: cache.identify(t) }))

  const logInOut = !isAuthenticated ? (
      <a href="#" onClick={loginWithRedirect}>
        Log in
      to use the app.
  ) : (
        onClick={() => {
          logout({ returnTo: window.location.origin })
        Log out
      once you are finished, {user.email}.

  return (

export default App

For our app to work correctly we need to update the src/GraphQLData.js file with the remaining queries.

import gql from "graphql-tag"

export const GET_TODOS = gql`
  query {
    queryTodo: queryTask {
      value: title

export const ADD_TODO = gql`
  mutation addTask($task: AddTaskInput!) {
    addTask(input: [$task]) {
      task {
        value: title

export const UPDATE_TODO = gql`
  mutation updateTask($id: ID!, $task: TaskPatch!) {
    updateTask(input: { filter: { id: [$id] }, set: $task }) {
      task {
        value: title

export const DELETE_TODO = gql`
  mutation deleteTask($id: ID!) {
    deleteTask(filter: { id: [$id] }) {
      task {

export const CLEAR_COMPLETED_TODOS = gql`
  mutation updateTask {
    deleteTask(filter: { completed: true }) {
      task {

Here is the complete code Here

Let’s now start the app.

npm start

Now you should have an app running!