We’re overhauling Dgraph’s docs to make them clearer and more approachable. If you notice any issues during this transition or have suggestions, please let us know.

As an Administrator you can initialize a new Dgraph cluster by doing an Initial import and you can import data into a running instance by performing a Live import.

Initial import is considerably faster than the live import but can only be used to load data into a new cluster (without prior data) and is executed before starting the Alpha nodes.

Contact us if you need to do an initial import to a Dgraph backend on Hypermode.

Both options accept RDF N-Quad/Triple data or JSON format.

To load CSV-formatted data or SQL data into Dgraph, first convert the dataset into one of the accepted formats (RDF N-Quad/Triple or JSON) and then load the resulting dataset into Dgraph.

After you convert the .csv or .sql files to RDF N-Quad/Triple or JSON, you can use Dgraph Live Loader or Dgraph Bulk Loader to import your data.