We’re overhauling Dgraph’s docs to make them clearer and more approachable. If you notice any issues during this transition or have suggestions, please let us know.

Client apps accessing the Dgraph Cloud cluster endpoints

  • /query
  • /mutate
  • /commit

must present a valid client or admin API key in the Dg-Auth or X-Auth-Token header of every HTTP request.

Client apps accessing the Dgraph Cloud cluster endpoints

  • /admin
  • /admin/slash
  • /alter

must present a valid admin API key in the Dg-Auth or X-Auth-Token header of every HTTP request.

Client apps accessing the Dgraph Cloud cluster endpoint

  • /graphql

with anonymous access not set on the requested operation, must present a valid client or admin API key in the Dg-Auth or X-Auth-Token header of every HTTP request.

Client API keys can only be used to perform query, mutation, and commit operations.

Admin API keys can be used to perform both client operations and admin operations like drop data, destroy backend, and update schema.

Generate a new API

To generate a new API key :

  1. Go to the Settings section of Dgraph Cloud console.
  2. Access [API Keys](https://cloud.dgraph.io/_/settings?tab=api-keys) tab.
  3. Click Create New button.
  4. Give the key a name, and select Client or Admin type and click Create
  5. Copy the key in a safe place, it isn’t accessible once you leave the page.