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Syntax Examples:

  • aliasName : predicate
  • aliasName : predicate { ... }
  • aliasName : varName as ...
  • aliasName : count(predicate)
  • aliasName : max(val(varName))

An alias provides an alternate name in results. Predicates, variables, and aggregates can be aliased by prefixing with the alias name and :. Aliases do not have to be different to the original predicate name, but, within a block, an alias must be distinct from predicate names and other aliases returned in the same block. Aliases can be used to return the same predicate multiple times within a block.

Query Example: directors with name matching term Steven, their UID, English name, average number of actors per movie, total number of films, and the name of each film in English and French.

  ID as var(func: allofterms(name@en, "Steven")) @filter(has(director.film)) {
    director.film {
      num_actors as count(starring)
      average as avg(val(num_actors))

films(func: uid(ID)) { director_id : uid english_name : name@en average_actors :
val(average) num_films : count(director.film)

    films : director.film {
      name : name@en
      english_name : name@en
      french_name : name@fr