We’re overhauling Dgraph’s docs to make them clearer and more approachable. If you notice any issues during this transition or have suggestions, please let us know.

For the purposes of debugging, you can attach a query parameter debug=true to a query. Attaching this parameter lets you retrieve the uid attribute for all the entities along with the server_latency and start_ts information under the extensions key of the response.

  • parsing_ns: Latency in nanoseconds to parse the query.
  • processing_ns: Latency in nanoseconds to process the query.
  • encoding_ns: Latency in nanoseconds to encode the JSON response.
  • start_ts: The logical start timestamp of the transaction.

Query with debug as a query parameter

curl -H "Content-Type: application/dql" http://localhost:8080/query?debug=true -XPOST -d $'{
  tbl(func: allofterms(name@en, "The Big Lebowski")) {
}' | python -m json.tool | less

Returns uid and server_latency

  "data": {
    "tbl": [
        "uid": "0x41434",
        "name@en": "The Big Lebowski"
        "uid": "0x145834",
        "name@en": "The Big Lebowski 2"
        "uid": "0x2c8a40",
        "name@en": "Jeffrey \"The Big\" Lebowski"
        "uid": "0x3454c4",
        "name@en": "The Big Lebowski"
    "extensions": {
      "server_latency": {
        "parsing_ns": 18559,
        "processing_ns": 802990982,
        "encoding_ns": 1177565
      "txn": {
        "start_ts": 40010

GraphQL+- has been renamed to Dgraph Query Language (DQL). While application/dql is the preferred value for the Content-Type header, we will continue to support Content-Type: application/graphql+- to avoid making breaking changes.