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Add mutations allow you to add new objects of a particular type.

We use the following schema to demonstrate some examples.


type Author {
  id: ID!
  name: String! @search(by: [hash])
  dob: DateTime
  posts: [Post]

type Post {
  postID: ID!
  title: String! @search(by: [term, fulltext])
  text: String @search(by: [fulltext, term])
  datePublished: DateTime

Dgraph automatically generates input and return types in the schema for the add mutation, as shown below:

addPost(input: [AddPostInput!]!): AddPostPayload

input AddPostInput {
  title: String!
  text: String
  datePublished: DateTime

type AddPostPayload {
  post(filter: PostFilter, order: PostOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [Post]
  numUids: Int

Example: add mutation on single type with embedded value

mutation {
  addAuthor(input: [{ name: "A.N. Author", posts: [] }]) {
    author {

Example: add mutation on single type using variables

mutation addAuthor($author: [AddAuthorInput!]!) {
  addAuthor(input: $author) {
    author {


{ "author": { "name": "A.N. Author", "dob": "2000-01-01", "posts": [] } }

You can convert an add mutation to an upsert mutation by setting the value of the input variable upsert to true. For more information, see Upsert Mutations.


You can refer to the following link for more examples.