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@skip and @include directives can be applied to query fields. They allow you to skip or include a field based on the value of the if argument passed to the directive.


In the query below, we fetch posts and decide whether to fetch the title for them or not based on the skipTitle GraphQL variable.

GraphQL query

query ($skipTitle: Boolean!) {
  queryPost {
    title @skip(if: $skipTitle)

GraphQL variables

  "skipTitle": true


Similarly, the @include directive can be used to include a field based on the value of the if argument. The query below would only include the authors for a post if includeAuthor GraphQL variable has value true.

GraphQL Query

query ($includeAuthor: Boolean!) {
  queryPost {
    author @include(if: $includeAuthor) {

GraphQL variables

  "includeAuthor": false