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Dgraph supports Apollo federation starting in release version 21.03. This lets you create a gateway GraphQL service that includes the Dgraph GraphQL API and other GraphQL services.

Support for Apollo federation directives

The current implementation supports the following five directives: @key, @extends, @external, @provides, and @requires.

@key directive

This directive takes one field argument inside it: the @key field. There are few limitations on how to use @key directives:

  • Users can define the @key directive only once for a type
  • Support for multiple key fields isn’t currently available.
  • Since the @key field acts as a foreign key to resolve entities from the service where it’s extended, the field provided as an argument inside the @key directive should be of ID type or have the @id directive on it.

For example -

type User @key(fields: "id") {
  id: ID!
  name: String

@extends directive

This directive provides support for extended definitions. For example, if the User type is defined in some other service, you can extend it in Dgraph’s GraphQL service by using the @extends directive, as follows:

type User @key(fields: "id") @extends {
  id: String! @id @external
  products: [Product]

You can also achieve this with the extend keyword. Either syntax to extend a type into your Dgraph GraphQL service works: extend type User ... or type User @extends ....

@external directive

You use this directive when the given field isn’t stored in this service. It can only be used on extended type definitions. For instance, it’s used in this example on the id field of the User type.

@provides directive

You use this directive on a field that tells the gateway to return a specific set of fields from the base type while fetching the field.

For example -

type Review @key(fields: "id") {
  product: Product @provides(fields: "name price")

extend type Product @key(fields: "upc") {
  upc: String @external
  name: String @external
  price: Int @external

While fetching Review.product from the review service, and if the name or price is also queried, the gateway fetches these from the review service itself. So, the review service also resolves these fields, even though both fields are @external.

@requires directive

You use this directive on a field to annotate the fields of the base type. You can use it to develop a query plan where the required fields may not be needed by the client, but the service may need additional information from other services.

For example -

extend type User @key(fields: "id") {
  id: ID! @external
  email: String @external
  reviews: [Review] @requires(fields: "email")

When the gateway fetches user.reviews from the review service, the gateway gets user.email from the User service and provides it as an argument to the _entities query.

Using @requires alone on a field doesn’t make much sense. In cases where you need to use @requires, you should also add some custom logic on that field. You can add such logic using the @lambda or @custom(http: {...}) directives.

Here’s an example -

  1. Schema:

    extend type User @key(fields: "id") {
      id: ID! @external
      email: String @external
      reviews: [Review] @requires(fields: "email") @lambda
  2. Lambda script:

    // returns a list of reviews for a user
    async function userReviews({ parent, graphql }) {
      let reviews = []
      // find the reviews for a user using the email and return them.
      // Even though the email has been declared `@external`, it will be available as `parent.email` as it's mentioned in `@requires`.
      return reviews
      "User.reviews": userReviews,

Generated queries and mutations

In this section, you’ll see what queries and mutations are available to individual service and to the Apollo gateway.

Let’s take the below schema as an example:

type Mission @key(fields: "id") {
  id: ID!
  crew: [Astronaut]
  designation: String!
  startDate: String
  endDate: String

type Astronaut @key(fields: "id") @extends {
  id: ID! @external
  missions: [Mission]

The queries and mutations which are exposed to the gateway are:

type Query {
  getMission(id: ID!): Mission
    filter: MissionFilter
    order: MissionOrder
    first: Int
    offset: Int
  ): [Mission]
  aggregateMission(filter: MissionFilter): MissionAggregateResult

type Mutation {
  addMission(input: [AddMissionInput!]!): AddMissionPayload
  updateMission(input: UpdateMissionInput!): UpdateMissionPayload
  deleteMission(filter: MissionFilter!): DeleteMissionPayload
  addAstronaut(input: [AddAstronautInput!]!): AddAstronautPayload
  updateAstronaut(input: UpdateAstronautInput!): UpdateAstronautPayload
  deleteAstronaut(filter: AstronautFilter!): DeleteAstronautPayload

The queries for Astronaut aren’t exposed to the gateway because they resolve through the _entities resolver. However, these queries are available on the Dgraph GraphQL API endpoint.

Mutation for extended types

If you want to add an object of Astronaut type which is extended in this service. The mutation addAstronaut takes AddAstronautInput, which is generated as follows:

input AddAstronautInput {
  id: ID!
  missions: [MissionRef]

The id field is of ID type, which is usually generated internally by Dgraph. But, In this case, it’s provided as an input. The user should provide the same id value present in the GraphQL service where the type Astronaut is defined.

For example, let’s assume that the type Astronaut is defined in some other service, AstronautService, as follows:

type Astronaut @key(fields: "id") {
  id: ID!
  name: String!

When adding an object of type Astronaut, you should first add it to the AstronautService service. Then, you can call the addAstronaut mutation with the value of id provided as an argument that must be equal to the value in AstronautService service.