Add natural language search to your app using AI embeddings
The Modus Collections API provides a robust way to store, retrieve, and search through data using both natural language and vector-based search methods. By leveraging embeddings, developers can enable semantic and similarity-based searches, improving the relevance of search results within their apps.
For example, with natural language similarity, if you search for a product description like ‘sleek red sports car’, the search method returns similar product descriptions such as “luxury sports car in red” or ‘high-speed car with sleek design’.
Understanding key components
Collections: a collection is a structured storage that organizes and stores textual data and associated metadata. Collections enable sophisticated search, retrieval, and classification tasks using vector embeddings.
Search Methods: a search method associated with a collection, defines how to convert collection items into a vector representation and provides indexing parameters.
Vector embeddings: for vector-based search and comparison, Modus converts each item in the collection into a vector representation called embedding. By embedding data, you enable powerful natural language and similarity-based searches.
Modus runtime automatically compute the embeddings, according to your configuration, when you add or update items.
Initializing your collection
Before implementing search, ensure you have
defined a collection in the app manifest. In this
example, myProducts
is the collection used to store product descriptions.
First, we need to populate the collection with items (for example, product
descriptions). You can insert individual or multiple items using the upsert
and upsertBatch
methods, respectively.
Use upsert
to insert a product description into the collection. If you don’t
specify a key, Modus generates a unique key for you.
Configure your search method
The search capability relies on a search method and embedding function. To configure your search method.
Create an embedding function
An embedding function is any API function that transforms text into vectors that represent their meaning in a high-dimensional space.
Embeddings functions must have the following signature:
Modus computes vectors using embedding models. Here are a few examples:
Declare the model in the app manifest
Create the embedding function using the embedding model:
Declare the search method
With an embedding function in place, declare a search method in the collection properties.
Implement semantic similarity search
With the products stored, you can now search the collection by semantic similarity. The search] API computes an embedding for the provided text, compares it with the embeddings of the items in the collection, and returns the most similar items.
Search result format
The search response is a CollectionSearchResult containing the following fields:
: the name of the collection.status
: the status of the operation.objects
: the search result items with their text, distance, and score values.distance
: a lower value indicates a closer match between the search query and the item in the collectionscore
: a higher value (closer to 1) represents a better match
Search for similar Items
When you need to search similar items to a given item, use the searchByVector
API. Retrieve the vector associated with the given item by its key, then perform
a search using that vector.
Develop locally with Collections
While Collections expose a key-value interface for working with data, a PostgreSQL database instance persists the data. When using Collections in a Modus app deployed to the Hypermode platform, Hypermode manages this PostgreSQL database and users don’t need to perform any additional setup. However, when developing with Modus locally or outside of the Hypermode platform, you need a PostgreSQL instance for the Collections persistence layer.
The dependency on PostgreSQL is temporary and we’re working to replace it with ModusDB, an embedded multi-model database, in an upcoming release.
Any hosting method for this PostgreSQL database is sufficient, so feel free to
use your favorite method of installing and running PostgreSQL locally or in the
cloud. You must apply a database migration after you start the PostgreSQL
database (Step 3 below) and set the MODUS_DB
environment variable with your
PostgreSQL database connection string (Step 4 below). The steps below describe
using Docker to start and
configure a PostgreSQL instance for local development with Collections.
To start and configure a local PostgreSQL instance for working with Collections locally using Docker Compose, follow these steps:
Clone Modus locally
Clone the Modus GitHub repository:
Start a PostgreSQL instance
Start the Collections PostgreSQL database using the local Docker Compose script:
Apply database migration
Next, apply the database schema using the golang-migrate utility.
On MacOS, you can install this utility with the following:
Then, you can apply the migration as follows:
Set environment variable
Set the MODUS_DB
environment variable:
You can now use Collections locally in your Modus app.
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