We’re overhauling Dgraph’s docs to make them clearer and more approachable. If you notice any issues during this transition or have suggestions, please let us know.

Dgraph creates a GraphQL API from nothing more than GraphQL types. That’s great, and gets you moving fast from an idea to a running app. However, at some point, as your app develops, you might want to customize the behavior of your schema.

In Dgraph, you do that with code (in any language you like) that implements custom resolvers.

Dgraph doesn’t execute your custom logic itself. It makes external HTTP requests. That means, you can deploy your custom logic into the same Kubernetes cluster as your Dgraph instance, deploy and call, for example, AWS Lambda functions, or even make calls to existing HTTP and GraphQL endpoints.

The @custom directive

There are three places you can use the @custom directive and thus tell Dgraph where to apply custom logic.

  1. You can add custom queries to the Query type

    type Query {
      myCustomQuery(...): QueryResultType @custom(...)
  2. You can add custom mutations to the Mutation type

    type Mutation {
        myCustomMutation(...): MutationResult @custom(...)
  3. You can add custom fields to your types

    type MyType {
         customField: FieldType @custom(...)

The @custom directive is used to define custom queries, mutations and fields.

In all cases, the result type (of the query, mutation, or field) can be either:

  • a type that’s stored in Dgraph (that’s any type you’ve defined in your schema), or
  • a type that’s not stored in Dgraph and is marked with the @remote directive.

Because the result types can be local or remote, you can call other HTTP endpoints, call remote GraphQL, or even call back to your Dgraph instance to add extra logic on top of Dgraph’s graph search or mutations.

Here’s the GraphQL definition of the directives:

directive @custom(http: CustomHTTP) on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @remote on OBJECT | INTERFACE

input CustomHTTP {
  url: String!
  method: HTTPMethod!
  body: String
  graphql: String
  mode: Mode
  forwardHeaders: [String!]
  secretHeaders: [String!]
  introspectionHeaders: [String!]
  skipIntrospection: Boolean

enum HTTPMethod {
enum Mode {

Each definition of custom logic must include:

  • the url where the custom logic is called. This can include a path and parameters that depend on query/mutation arguments or other fields.
  • the HTTP method to use in the call. For example, when calling a REST endpoint with GET, POST, etc.

Optionally, the custom logic definition can also include:

  • a body definition that can be used to construct a HTTP body from arguments or fields.
  • a list of forwardHeaders to take from the incoming request and add to the outgoing HTTP call. Used, for example, if the incoming request contains an auth token that must be passed to the custom logic.
  • a list of secretHeaders to take from the Dgraph.Secret defined in the schema file and add to the outgoing HTTP call. Used, for example, for a server side API key and other static value that must be passed to the custom logic.
  • the graphql query/mutation to call if the custom logic is a GraphQL server and whether to introspect or not (skipIntrospection) the remote GraphQL endpoint.
  • mode which is used for resolving fields by calling an external GraphQL query/mutation. It can either be BATCH or SINGLE.
  • a list of introspectionHeaders to take from the Dgraph.Secret object defined in the schema file. They’re added to the introspection requests sent to the endpoint.

The result type of custom queries and mutations can be any object type in your schema, including @remote types. For custom fields the type can be object types or scalar types.

The method can be any of the HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE, and forwardHeaders is a list of headers that should be passed from the incoming request to the outgoing HTTP custom request. Let’s look at each of the other http arguments in detail.


Sometimes you might want to forward some static headers to your custom API which can’t be exposed to the client. This could be an API key from a payment processor or an auth token for your organization on GitHub. These secrets can be specified as comments in the schema file and then can be used in secretHeaders and introspectionHeaders while defining the custom directive for a field/query.

type Query {
  getTopUsers(id: ID!): [User]
      http: {
        url: "http://api.github.com/topUsers"
        method: "POST"
        introspectionHeaders: ["Github-Api-Token"]
        secretHeaders: ["Authorization:Github-Api-Token"]
        graphql: "..."

# Dgraph.Secret Github-Api-Token "long-token"

In the preceding request, Github-Api-Token would be sent as a header with value long-token for the introspection request. For the actual /graphql request, the Authorization header would be sent with the value long-token.

Authorization:Github-Api-Token syntax tells us to use the value for Github-Api-Token from Dgraph.Secret and forward it to the custom API with the header key as Authorization.

The URL and method

The URL can be as simple as a fixed URL string, or include details drawn from the arguments or fields.

A simple string might look like:

type Query {
  myCustomQuery: MyResult
    @custom(http: { url: "https://my.api.com/theQuery", method: GET })

While, in more complex cases, the arguments of the query/mutation can be used as a pattern for the URL:

type Query {
  myGetPerson(id: ID!): Person
    @custom(http: { url: "https://my.api.com/person/$id", method: GET })

  getPosts(authorID: ID!, numToFetch: Int!): [Post]
      http: {
        url: "https://my.api.com/person/$authorID/posts?limit=$numToFetch"
        method: GET

In this case, a query like

query {
  getPosts(authorID: "auth123", numToFetch: 10) {

gets transformed to an outgoing HTTP GET request to the URL https://my.api.com/person/auth123/posts?limit=10.

When using custom logic on fields, the URL can draw from other fields in the type. For example:

type User {
    username: String! @id
    posts: [Post] @custom(http: {
        url: "https://my.api.com/person/$username/posts",
        method: GET

Note that:

  • Fields or arguments used in the path of a URL, such as username or authorID in the preceding examples, must be marked as non-nullable (have ! in their type); whereas, those used in parameters, such as numToFetch, can be nullable.
  • Currently, only scalar fields or arguments are allowed to be used in URLs or bodies; though, see body below, this doesn’t restrict the objects you can construct and pass to custom logic functions.
  • Currently, the body can only contain alphanumeric characters in the key and other characters like _ aren’t yet supported.
  • Currently, constant values are also not allowed in the body template. This would soon be supported.

The body

Many HTTP requests, such as add and update operations on REST APIs, require a JSON formatted body to supply the data. In a similar way to how url allows specifying a url pattern to use in resolving the custom request, Dgraph allows a body pattern that’s used to build HTTP request bodies.

For example, this body can be structured JSON that relates a mutation’s arguments to the JSON structure required by the remote endpoint.

type Mutation {
    newMovie(title: String!, desc: String, dir: ID, imdb: ID): Movie @custom(http: {
            url: "http://myapi.com/movies",
            method: "POST",
            body: "{ title: $title, imdbID: $imdb, storyLine: $desc, director: { id: $dir }}",

A request with newMovie(title: "...", desc: "...", dir: "dir123", imdb: "tt0120316") is transformed into a POST request to http://myapi.com/movies with a JSON body of:

  "title": "...",
  "imdbID": "tt0120316",
  "storyLine": "...",
  "director": {
    "id": "dir123"

url and body templates can be used together in a single custom definition.

For both url and body templates, any non-null arguments or fields must be present to evaluate the custom logic. And the following rules are applied when building the request from the template for nullable arguments or fields.

  • If the value of a nullable argument is present, it’s used in the template.
  • If a nullable argument is present, but null, then in a body null is inserted, while in a url nothing is added. For example, if the desc argument above is null then { ..., storyLine: null, ...} is constructed for the body. Whereas, in a URL pattern like https://a.b.c/endpoint?arg=$gqlArg, if gqlArg is present, but null, the generated URL is https://a.b.c/endpoint?arg=.
  • If a nullable argument is not present, nothing is added to the URL/body. That would mean the constructed body would not contain storyLine if the desc argument is missing, and in https://a.b.c/endpoint?arg=$gqlArg the result would be https://a.b.c/endpoint if gqlArg weren’t present in the request arguments.

Calling GraphQL custom resolvers

Custom queries, mutations, and fields can be implemented by custom GraphQL resolvers. In this case, use the graphql argument to specify which query/mutation on the remote server to call. The syntax includes if the call is a query or mutation, the arguments, and what query/mutation to use on the remote endpoint.

For example, you can pass arguments to queries onward as arguments to remote GraphQL endpoints:

type Query {
  getPosts(authorID: ID!, numToFetch: Int!): [Post]
      http: {
        url: "https://my.api.com/graphql"
        method: POST
        graphql: "query($authorID: ID!, $numToFetch: Int!) { posts(auth: $authorID, first: $numToFetch) }"

You can also define your own inputs and pass those to the remote GraphQL endpoint.

input NewMovieInput { ... }

type Mutation {
    newMovie(input: NewMovieInput!): Movie @custom(http: {
        url: "http://movies.com/graphql",
        method: "POST",
        graphql: "mutation($input: NewMovieInput!) { addMovie(data: $input) }",

When a schema is uploaded, Dgraph introspects the remote GraphQL endpoints on any custom logic that uses the graphql argument. From the results of introspection, it tries to match up arguments and input and object types to ensure that the calls to and expected responses from the remote GraphQL make sense.

If that introspection isn’t possible, set skipIntrospection: true in the custom definition and Dgraph won’t perform GraphQL schema introspection for this custom definition.

Remote types

Any type annotated with the @remote directive isn’t stored in Dgraph. This allows your Dgraph GraphQL instance to serve an API that includes both data stored locally and data stored or generated elsewhere. You can also use custom fields, for example, to join data from disparate datasets.

Remote types can only be returned by custom resolvers and Dgraph won’t generate any search or CRUD operations for remote types.

The schema definition used to define your Dgraph GraphQL API must include definitions of all the types used. If a custom logic call returns a type not stored in Dgraph, then that type must be added to the Dgraph schema with the @remote directive.

For example, your API might use custom logic to integrate with GitHub, using either https://api.github.com or the GitHub GraphQL API https://api.github.com/graphql and calling the user query. Either way, your GraphQL schema needs to include the type you expect back from that remote call. That could be linking a User as stored in your Dgraph instance with the Repository data from GitHub. With @remote types, that’s as simple as adding the type and custom call to your schema.

# GitHub's repository type
type Repository @remote { ... }

# Dgraph user type
type User {
    # local user name = GitHub id
    username: String! @id

    # ...
    # other data stored in Dgraph
    # ...

    # join local data with remote
    repositories: [Repository] @custom(http: {
        url:  "https://api.github.com/users/$username/repos",
        method: GET

Just defining the connection is all it takes and then you can ask a single GraphQL query that performs a local query and joins with (potentially many) remote data sources.

RemoteResponse directive

In combination with the @remote directive, in a GraphQL schema you can also use the @remoteResponse directive. You can define the @remoteResponse directive on the fields of a @remote type to map the JSON key response of a custom query to a GraphQL field.

For example, in the given GraphQL schema there’s a defined custom DQL query, whose JSON response contains the results of the groupby clause in the @groupby key. By using the @remoteResponse directive you’ll map the groupby field in GroupUserMapQ type to the @groupby key in the JSON response:

type User {
  screen_name: String! @id
  followers: Int @search
  tweets: [Tweets] @hasInverse(field: user)
type UserTweetCount @remote {
  screen_name: String
  tweetCount: Int
type UserMap @remote {
  followers: Int
  count: Int
type GroupUserMapQ @remote {
  groupby: [UserMap] @remoteResponse(name: "@groupby")

it’s possible to define the following @custom DQL query:

queryUserKeyMap: [GroupUserMapQ] @custom(dql: """
  queryUserKeyMap(func: type(User)) @groupby(followers: User.followers) {

How Dgraph processes custom results

Given types like

type Post @remote {
    id: ID!
    title: String!
    datePublished: DateTime
    author: Author

type Author { ... }

and a custom query

type Query {
  getCustomPost(id: ID!): Post
    @custom(http: { url: "https://my.api.com/post/$id", method: GET })

  getPosts(authorID: ID!, numToFetch: Int!): [Post]
      http: {
        url: "https://my.api.com/person/$authorID/posts?limit=$numToFetch"
        method: GET

Dgraph turns the getCustomPost query into a HTTP request to https://my.api.com/post/$id and expects a single JSON object with fields id, title, datePublished and author as result. Any additional fields are ignored, while if non-nullable fields (like id and title) are missing, GraphQL error propagation is triggered.

For getPosts, Dgraph expects the HTTP call to https://my.api.com/person/$authorID/posts?limit=$numToFetch to return a JSON array of JSON objects, with each object matching the Post type as described above.

If the custom resolvers are GraphQL calls, like:

type Query {
  getCustomPost(id: ID!): Post
      http: {
        url: "https://my.api.com/graphql"
        method: POST
        graphql: "query(id: ID) { post(postID: $id) }"

  getPosts(authorID: ID!, numToFetch: Int!): [Post]
      http: {
        url: "https://my.api.com/graphql"
        method: POST
        graphql: "query(id: ID) { postByAuthor(authorID: $id, first: $numToFetch) }"

then Dgraph expects a GraphQL call to post to return a valid GraphQL result like { "data": { "post": {...} } } and will use the JSON object that is the value of post as the data resolved by the request.

Similarly, Dgraph expects postByAuthor to return data like { "data": { "postByAuthor": [ {...}, ... ] } } and will use the array value of postByAuthor to build its array of posts result.

How errors from custom endpoints are handled

When a query returns an error while resolving from a custom HTTP endpoint, the error is added to the errors array and sent back to the user in the JSON response.

When a field returns an error while resolving a custom HTTP endpoint, the field’s value becomes null and the error is added to the errors JSON array. The rest of the fields are still resolved as required by the request.

For example, a query from a custom HTTP endpoint will return an error in the following format:

  "errors": [
      "message": "Rest API returns Error for myFavoriteMovies query",
      "locations": [
          "line": 5,
          "column": 4
      "path": ["Movies", "name"]

How custom fields are resolved

When evaluating a request that includes custom fields, Dgraph might run multiple resolution stages to resolve all the fields. Dgraph must also ensure it requests enough data to forfull the custom fields. For example, given the User type defined as:

type User {
    username: String! @id
    posts: [Post] @custom(http: {
        url: "https://my.api.com/person/$username/posts",
        method: GET

a query such as:

query {
  queryUser {

is executed by first querying in Dgraph for username and then using the result to resolve the custom field posts (which relies on username). For a request like:

query {
  queryUser {

Dgraph works out that it must first get username so it can run the custom field posts, even though username isn’t part of the original query. So Dgraph retrieves enough data to satisfy the custom request, even if that involves data that isn’t asked for in the query.

There are currently a few limitations on custom fields:

  • each custom call must include either an ID or @id field
  • arguments are not allowed (soon custom field arguments will be allowed and will be used in the @custom directive in the same manner as for custom queries and mutations), and
  • a custom field can’t depend on another custom field (longer term, we intend to lift this restriction).

Restrictions / Roadmap

Our custom logic is still in beta and we are improving it quickly. Here’s a few points that we plan to work on soon:

  • adding arguments to custom fields
  • relaxing the restrictions on custom fields using id values
  • iterative evaluation of @custom and @remote - in the current version you can’t have @custom inside an @remote type once we add this, you’ll be able to extend remote types with custom fields, and
  • allowing fine tuning of the generated API, for example removing of customizing the generated CRUD mutations.

Example: query

Let’s say we want to integrate our app with an existing external REST API. There’s a few things we need to know:

  • The URL of the API, the path and any parameters required
  • The shape of the resulting JSON data
  • The method (GET, POST, etc.), and
  • What authorization we need to pass to the external endpoint

The custom query can take any number of scalar arguments and use those to construct the path, parameters and body (we’ll see an example of that in the custom mutation section) of the request that gets sent to the remote endpoint.

In an app, you’d deploy an endpoint that does some custom work and returns data that’s used in your UI, or you’d wrap some logic or call around an existing endpoint. So that we can walk through a whole example, let’s use the Twitter API.

To integrate a call that returns the data of Twitter user with our app, all we need to do is add the expected result type TwitterUser and set up a custom query:

type TwitterUser @remote {
    id: ID!
    name: String
    screen_name: String
    location: String
    description: String
    followers_count: Int

type Query{
    getCustomTwitterUser(name: String!): TwitterUser @custom(http:{
        url: "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/users/show.json?screen_name=$name"
        method: "GET",
        forwardHeaders: ["Authorization"]

Dgraph will then be able to accept a GraphQL query like

query {
  getCustomTwitterUser(name: "dgraphlabs") {

construct a HTTP GET request to https://api.twitter.com/1.1/users/show.json?screen_name=dgraphlabs, attach header Authorization from the incoming GraphQL request to the outgoing HTTP, and make the call and return a GraphQL result.

The result JSON of the actual HTTP call will contain the whole object from the REST endpoint (you can see how much is in the Twitter user object here). But, the GraphQL query only asked for some of that, so Dgraph filters out any returned values that weren’t asked for in the GraphQL query and builds a valid GraphQL response to the query and returns GraphQL.

    "data": {
        "getCustomTwitterUser": { "location": ..., "description": ..., "followers_count": ... }

Your version of the remote type doesn’t have to be equal to the remote type. For example, if you don’t want to allow users to query the full Twitter user, you include in the type definition only the fields that can be queried.

All the usual options for custom queries are allowed; for example, you can have multiple queries in a single GraphQL request and a mix of custom and Dgraph generated queries, you can get the result compressed by setting Accept-Encoding to gzip, etc.

Example: mutation

With custom mutations, you can use custom logic to define values for one or more fields in a mutation.

Let’s say we have an app about authors and posts. Logged in authors can add posts, but we want to do some input validation and add extra value when a post is added. The key types might be as follows.

type Author { ... }

type Post {
    id: ID!
    title: String
    text: String
    datePublished: DateTime
    author: Author

Dgraph generates an addPost mutation from those types, but we want to do something extra. We don’t want the author field to come in with the mutation, that should get filled in from the JWT of the logged in user. Also, the datePublished shouldn’t be in the input; it should be set as the current time at point of mutation. Maybe we also have some community guidelines about what might constitute an offensive title or text in a post. Maybe users can only post if they have enough community credit.

We’ll need custom code to do all that, so we can write a custom function that takes in only the title and text of the new post. Internally, it can check that the title and text satisfy the guidelines and that this user has enough credit to make a post. If those checks pass, it then builds a full post object by adding the current time as the datePublished and adding the author from the JWT information it gets from the forward header. It can then call the addPost mutation constructed by Dgraph to add the post into Dgraph and returns the resulting post as its GraphQL output.

So as well as the types above, we need a custom mutation:

type Mutation {
  newPost(title: String!, text: String): Post
      http: {
        url: "https://my.api.com/addPost"
        method: "POST"
        body: "{ postText: $text, postTitle: $title }"
        forwardHeaders: ["AuthHdr"]

Find out more about how to turn off generated mutations and protecting mutations with authorization rules at:

Example: field

Custom fields allow you to extend your types with custom logic as well as make joins between your local data and remote data.

Let’s say we are building an app for managing projects. Users will login with their GitHub id and we want to connect some data about their work stored in Dgraph with say their GitHub profile, issues, etc.

Our first version of our users might start out with just their GitHub username and some data about what projects they are working on.

type User {
  username: String! @id
  projects: [Project]
  tickets: [Ticket]

We can then add their GitHub repositories by just extending the definitions with the types and custom field needed to make the remote call.

# GitHub's repository type
type Repository @remote { ... }

# Dgraph user type
type User {
    # local user name = GitHub id
    username: String! @id

    # join local data with remote
    repositories: [Repository] @custom(http: {
        url:  "https://api.github.com/users/$username/repos",
        method: GET

We could similarly join with say the GitHub user details, or open pull requests, to further fill out the join between GitHub and our local data. Instead of the REST API, let’s use the GitHub GraphQL endpoint

# GitHub's User type
type GitHubUser @remote { ... }

# Dgraph user type
type User {
    # local user name = GitHub id
    username: String! @id

    # join local data with remote
    gitDetails: GitHubUser @custom(http: {
        url:  "https://api.github.com/graphql",
        method: POST,
        graphql: "query(username: String!) { user(login: $username) }",
        skipIntrospection: true

Perhaps our app has some measure of their velocity that’s calculated by a custom function that looks at both their GitHub commits and some other places where work is added. Soon we’ll have a schema where we can render a user’s home page, the projects they work on, their open tickets, their GitHub details, etc. in a single request that queries across multiple sources and can mix Dgraph filtering with external calls.

query {
    getUser(id: "aUser") {
        projects(order: { asc: lastUpdate }, first: 10) {
        tickets {
            connectedGitIssue { ... }
        gitDetails { ... }
        repositories { ... }